The Chinese director was invited to participate in the "Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Integration Seminar"


On October 20, 2020, the China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation hosted the Asia-Pacific Regional Economic Integration: Opportunities, Challenges, and Prospects seminar in Beijing. Professor Liu Chenyang, the director of the center, was invited to attend the seminar. Ambassador Su Ge, chairman of the China National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation, delivered a welcome speech, Executive vice chairman Mark Ma chaired the meeting, and Vice chairman Zhao Yali concluded the speech. Globalization think tank Wang Huiyao, researcher Chen Fengying of the Modern State Council, researcher Lu Jianren of the Academy of Asia-Pacific Academy of Social Sciences, and professor Liu Chenyang made keynote speeches respectively, and addressed the significance, opportunities, challenges and prospects of Asia-Pacific regional economic integration cooperation under the new situation and other issues were fully and in-depth discussed.

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