G20 trade ministers issued special statement on coping with COVID-19


On April 1, 2020, G20 trade ministers issued special statement on coping with COVID-19. The statement pointed out that G20 leaders held a special meeting on March 26, 2020 and promised to establish a united front to deal with this common threat. The international community needs to strengthen cooperation and coordination to protect lives and lay the foundation for a strong economic recovery and sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth after the crisis. To this end, G20 trade ministers will implement leaders' instructions, monitor and assess the impact of the pandemic on trade, and ensure sustained cross-border flows of important medical supplies and equipment, key agricultural products and other essential goods and services. According to the needs of various countries, we will immediately take the necessary measures to promote the trade in these necessities. At the same time, while striving to reduce the impact of the epidemic on international trade and investment, G20 members will strengthen cooperation to ensure a free, fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, predictable and stable trade and investment environment, and keep the market open.

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